Thursday, July 8, 2010

Tuesday Night BBQ

Tuesday night we had a fun BBQ with our good friends The Bischoff's! We decided to all meet up at the new park by our house. We pulled out our portable grill, grilled some hamburgers & hotdogs while catching up on the latest. We had a lot of fun talking, eating, talking and playing Koob. We wanted to take some pics, but unfortunately our camera is not working. I still can't believe that the camera isn't working!! Everywhere I go I am taking pictures...

Anyway, I stole this cute family pic of them on Carrie's facebook account because I had to put a pic of them on our good ol' blog. (I didn't take this pic, wish i could take credit, but I didn't.)

Isn't there fam so cute?

I just love the summer and that we can spend time outdoors!

1 comment:

The Cook Clan said...

Thats a very cute picture!