Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I'm a stress-er.

So, I just got done with my health screening at work. I'm healthy as a horse-yipee! :)They told me though, that my diastolic numbers are high. I asked what that meant and they told me that I have a really high stress level. Honestly, that wasn't much of a surprise. I KNOW that I tend to stress over things. It's just how I am. But what are things that I can do, or change to help me not to stress? Because eventually stressing isn't healthy right?
so here is this post. I'm wondering, if you are reading this...what do you do to help you not stress? or help relieve stress?


Heather Strong said...

I don't really stress out much because I feel like we can only control so much of our lives. I think that we just have to learn to be flexible to change or semi-uncomfortable situations, because if we are flexible like that, hardly anything can actually be worth stressing about. Plus, I figure that if it doesn't kill me, then it will all work out. Things ALWAYS work out. Haven't you noticed that with people? People get into mad debt or crazy jobs or other tough situations, but things always seem to work out, even if it is declaring bankruptcy ha ha. Not the end of the world (although way super crappy I am sure, but not the end of the world because they are not dead). That's my two cents ha ha.

Liz said...

I agree with Heather. Also, I bake pie when I'm stressed. There is something about creating something beautiful and delicious that puts me back in order.

Jenny said...

Keira, we need to chat! I studied stress management a bunch when I was getting my Bachelor's...I have a text book all about managing stress, and seriously, it is WONDERFUL!! There are tons of really practical tips in it about how to not stress (things like exercise, journal writing, relaxation exercises) etc. But the thing that helped me the most was understanding the physiology of stress and how to control it. I think you need to come over and I can show you! :)
PS - stress and nutrition were my two favorite parts of my major, so we really need to chat because I have WAY too much to say on the topic for a little 'ol blog comment!

Lindsay said...

I wish I had the answers...I'm in the same boat as you! I struggle with anxiety really bad so I know how you feel! Good luck.

Lindsay said...

OH and your birthday pictures are so cute too! What a fun family you have!!! I love your sweet grandma!

Tricia L said...

Yoga!! It helps me a ton. I'm moving my body, focusing on slow, steady breathing and learning to clear my mind. Of course that doesn't take away the situation that's making me stress in the first place, but it at least relaxes my body enough that I can function. Sometimes when it's really bad and I'm in the middle of a terrible anxiety attack, the most I can do is just pray and cry to Heavenly Father asking for the attack to end and reassurance that everything will be ok eventually. But yoga definitely helps my every day stress level.

David Devey said...

I work out and write out A LOT of things...my to do list, goals, etc.

David Devey said...

Btw- that last post was from me- brooke. I'm on my dad's computer lol

The Belshes said...

Go get a massage once a month!!! It does wonders with stress!!! Working out for me helps as well!!!!

Erin said...

I can't really think of an answer I cry and let it all out. I really do feel better after I realive the tears. Miss you. Hope to see you soon!

Anonymous said...

I'm such a worry wort so this is totally me! There are a lotta things that I try to help de-stress but the best one I can think of is talking/dumping it out while Gavin listens lol, and then going running or something active and fun afterwards that helps me move on and not dwell on my stressors. I'm sure there are better ways. I should probably pray for more help when I'm uber stressed out, but that's typically my coping method :P

Krystal said...

sorry your stressing. thats how mike is he stresses out way bad. just try to relax and get plenty of rest. I hope you it gets better. And happy late birthday.