Tonight was a really humbling and touching experience for me. For our young women activity we had the opportunity of going to the homeless shelter and doing activities with all the kids there. To be honest, I don't think I've ever been to the homeless shelter before, and I never really realized how many homeless people there are not to far from home.
It was such a neat experience for me, words can't describe how full my heart feels. Steve and I are seriously SO blessed. Sometimes it's so easy to complain about little things- When really, I should be getting down on my knees and just thanking heavenly father for ALL the things we have.
What really hit me was as we were leaving, the families and little kids pulled out cots to sleep on, in the middle of the lobby. You know, I always picture putting kids in there jammies, giving them a nice bath and reading them a story before they go to bed. But these little kids had their same dirty clothes on and I don't think they have had a bath in days.
But as we were leaving the kids waved goodbye with smiles on their faces...
I seriously need to be doing more things like this. And I know it sure touched the young women too.