I am SOO Happy that I was able to go and visit Steve!! It has been over a month since I last seen him. It's definitely been very hard being apart from one another, but it's also been a blessing too. Steve and I have an awesome relationship, and this has only made it even better. It's made me realize even more how grateful I am for our Temple marriage and that we will be together forever. The longest Steve and I had ever been a part for the last 2 1/2 years was one night, not even a full day. I honestly didn't think I could make it 3 1/2 months apart.
Thankfully, the lord has blessed us, and helped Steve and I be able to see each other once a month. I was able to go and see Steve for the weekend, It was a short trip, but so worth it. Every possible minute together is worth it.
On Thursday, I had a long day of spending time at the airport. I flew from SLC to the Seattle airport. It was nice being in Seattle again. It's crazy to think last summer, Steve and I were living there. Who knows where we will be next summer?
It's a really, really good book. I recommend it to everyone!
Anyway, I didn't arrive in Canada until about 11:40pm. I was super tired, but the fact that I was seeing Steve made my tired-ness not so important.
Friday, Steve had to work, so I spent time with my sister in law Shannon. Shannon and I spent time at the mall. They have this store in Canada called LUSH. AH! I LOVE IT! It's all natural body soaps, and shampoo's, face wash etc... everything looks and smells so good, you could almost eat it. Check it out at this website: http://www.lush.ca/
So, we spent most of our time in this fun store, smelling and trying out this product.
We also found this one store, called Urban. These clothes were REALLY different, and really ugly. So, we picked out outfits for each other and tried them on, and then took pics! ha ha, what you do to have fun...
Saturday, Steve had the day off! We were able to spend time together the entire day!! We were both so excited! We went to Peachland, which is 30 minutes from Kelowna. Peachland is a really pretty town. There are a lot of super cute shops, and a really pretty lake. The lake also has a dock where there's a built in diving board, and rope swing. I loved spending time with Steve. I really took for granite all the times when I was able to see Steve all the time. Even just holding his hand in the car brought butterflies in my stomach. Ah I just loved it!! Steve and I had a great time relaxing, talking and just loved spending time together.
I can't wait for Steve to be home again! But until then, I had a great time with you sweetie!