Sunday, October 2, 2011

LaDiEs NiGhT 2011

I can't believe it's already been 6 months since our last Ladies Night! I seriously LOVE conference weekend. There is nothing better than listening to counsel from the Prophet and his counselors and then having a night out with my mom and sisters!:)

The weather was perfect this year, Last year it was a lot cooler, and it rained on us as we walked the streets. Jade was able to come this year with us as well with Carson. Kjersti and Jessica couldn't come, so that was disappointing, but hopefully next conference!

I love these of Carson!

This year we ate at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building, and even met up with The Holdaway family. We were able to listen to Hilary Weeks sing, eat free chocolates and even talk to the director and man that played "Levi" in the movie 17 Miracles. BEST movie ever.

We didn't win anything from the drawing this year, but it was still a lot of fun! It was great seeing Women EVERYWHERE just having a fun time.

I LOVED walking around the temple as well. I took some pictures, and I think they turned out pretty cool.

As we were driving home, Kartier saw an older lady walking on state street, with groceries on her walker. The lady had a limp, and Kartier thought we should turn around and help her. I thought that was a good gesture, but not very smart to go and help someone in the middle of the night (10pm-ish) on state street.
So, my mom pulls to the side of the road and Kart rolls down her window telling the lady that we want to give her money. She took the money, and we noticed how she limped and had her groceries tied onto her walker. My mom and Kart said that we should take her to her home. I quickly jumped to the conclusion that she was drunk (the way she talked and was walking, and that she most likely was homeless.) I was seriously scared. I know she was an older women, but we don't know who she is or if she had a gun etc. I guess you can call me overly paranoid.
Kart jumps into the backseat as my mom is putting the groceries and walker into the trunk, she dials on her phone 911, so all we have to do is push the send button-if we need to.
My mom helps her into the car, and she tells us her name and then asked us if we were LDS. We said we were and then she told us she was as well.
I still wasn't convinced that this was a good idea.
Well, we get to her apartment, and my mom and Kartier help her out and help her with her groceries. Jade, Carson and I stayed in the car with the doors locked. The area that she lived in wasn't too convincing that it was a safe place. 10 minutes pass, no sign of them. 15 minutest pass, still no sign of them. So, I call their cell phones-they left them in the car! So, now Jade and I are worried that something went wrong within the apartment. THANKFULLY, they finally come out and all is well.
The poor lady had cerebral palsy, and had missed her bus. That's why she was walking by herself to her home on STATE STREET in the middle of the night.
I'm grateful that everything turned out well, and my mom and Kart were able to help someone out. I can't really say I helped because I wasn't a happy camper about them picking up a random stranger on the side of the road.
But, I guess lesson learned-don't judge people. I'm glad they were able to help an older women when she really needed the help.

1 comment:

Jade said...

Really, Kartier and Janeen taught me a lesson too! They set a good example for me! Makes me wanna do something nice for someone! I am so glad we or i mean THEY actually helped that lady. Well anyway, I also love your pom poms you made down there, so cute! And thanks for all the cookies! So glad i got to see you this weekend! Lets all do pumpkins or trunk or treat halloween weekend! miss ya stilll