Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Spotted Dick Pudding.

Here's a funny for the week. I just got home from our YW/YM activity. We did a food drive and it was so fun just knowing that we were helping out those in need. It's always so fun spending time with the girls. Here's the funny..
One of my beehives, Lauren came up to me holding this can. Asking me "Sister Ford what is spotted dick?" I was shocked and wondered what in the world is she talking about? She puts the can closer to my face and it says SPOTTED DICK pudding. I try not to laugh. Keep in mind I am a leader..but, it was funny. I explain to her that it's a kind of pudding and that she should just go set it down by the canned food. She shrugs her shoulders and puts the can down. Not thinking anything of it. phew.
I thought it was funny. So right when I came home I googled Spotted dick pudding to see what I could find. If your wondering more about it too...for curiosity it is.

Pudding, the backbone of British food and none more than a Spotted Dick Pudding. The name of this classic English pudding, Spotted Dick Steamed Pudding, usually will raise a smile or look of abject horror which is why some prefer the less-well-known title of “Spotted Dog Pudding”. The spotted part refers to the raisins and currants in the dough and the word dick' is a colloquial word for pudding. This is not a pudding for the faint-hearted or those on a diet. Made from suet, flour and dried fruit it is high in calories. It is, however, the perfect pudding for a treat on a cold winter's day.

Prep Time: 30 Minutes

Cook Time: 2 hours


  • 115g / 4oz raisins
  • 55g / 2oz currants
  • 75g /3oz dark brown sugar
  • Grated zest of 1 unwaxed lemon
  • 225g / 8oz self-raising flour plus extra for dusting
  • 115g /4oz shredded suet
  • Pinch of salt
  • 55ml /2 fl oz milk

I don't think I ever want a can of Spotted Dick Pudding in my pantry.


Allie said...

Too funny! Yeah, not sure we'll be stocking up on this stuff in our food storage either;o) Thanks for sharing.

Lindsay said...

Hahaha!!! That's too funny!

Jenny said...

Please tell me that people don't ACTUALLY EAT that stuff! GROSS!